Joy List #1: Read This for a Dose of Everyday Delight

Aria Spears
3 min readJul 14, 2023

Some days it is hard to stir up a joyful attitude while living the military life. I feel that. Take some of my joys for a spin today in this first of many Joy Lists.

See how it goes. Leave a joy of your own at the end.

Photo by Caleb Fisher on Unsplash

Cool mornings and evenings on hot days.

Have you thought about how nice it is that there are (in many U.S. places) cooler hours in the morning and evening? Midday might be steaming, but the morning and evening offer a respite of semi-cool. Maybe your dog can go outside and enjoy it. Maybe you can take a walk. Maybe you can sit outside with an ice cold beverage. Whatever you do, it’s as if nature is beckoning you to start fresh and then later unwind.

Dog zoomies.

I have a feisty female Jack Russell Terrier named Renny. Her favorite activities are chasing bubbles in water, sniffing around the yard and fetch. Limitless fetch. Tonight as she sniffed around the yard in the evening cool, she got the “zoomies” — dog-owner speak for the last burst of pent-up energy. She sprinted in circles around me for one, two, three, four loops. Endless mischief.

Comfy, cozy couches.

What’s better than plopping onto a perfectly comfy couch at day’s end? The soft upholstery offering a made-for-you hug. Sinking down and feeling the day’s stress lighten. Sitting and staring at the wall for a bit, allowing your unfocused gaze to relax. Dozing off after a few minutes.

Babies looking at you—and then smiling.

Not everyone loves babies. But even so, it is likely hard to resist a tiny spark of joy when a baby looks at you and then breaks into a huge, 100% genuine baby smile. You may have encountered the baby sitting at the booth in front of yours that insists on staring at you while they rest on their guardian’s shoulder. Or the baby entertaining the rows behind them at a faith service or public event with coos and smiles. Purely authentic, adorable delight.

Walking from the driveway/parking lot to your front door.

I always love the few seconds or minutes before the front door. It’s a moment of free space where you might ponder what you heard on the radio, hum a song that’s been stuck in your head, or maybe mentally prepare for arriving back at home. It’s not enough time to be productive or play anything to distract yourself. It’s a completely routine action you might do multiple times a day. There’s just something special about it.

Cold, crisp apples.

Honeycrisp. Jazz. Pink Lady. Gala. Granny Smith. Apples are underrated. Think about how many different kinds of apples you can likely find, and the sheer variety of tastes across the flavor spectrum. You can put them on pork chops or bake them into pies. You can turn them into cider or eat them sliced and raw. Remember the last apple you ate?

Small joys are everywhere, it seems. These are just a few. What’s a tiny thing that’s brought you joy today?



Aria Spears

Creating a media-literate spiritual practice to thrive in a digital world. Copywriter. Duke seminarian. Content strategist. Minister.